Member Portal

Trusted platform custom-built for members of healthcare organizations

Your Own Data Source that Lets You

Take full control of your own information

Manage healthcare transactions with ease

File other requests efficiently

The Portal Dedicated to Your Information

A centralized web-based system that provides complete tools to support a seamless online experience, letting members and organizations have more convenience in accessing healthcare data. 

View personal or organizational information

All your personal healthcare records, including information related to your involvement in the organization, can be accessed in one place. 

Check for coverage and benefits details

Freely assess your health plan enrollment data, PCP information, benefits plan, and other coverage details to prepare a qualifiable arrangement for your medical needs and requests.

Handle authorization and claim transactions

Review transactions of authorization and claim records and its status that you have handled previously or currently.

Find PCPs

Find a provider that you might want to get a hold of. With an advanced searching feature embedded in the portal, it makes it easy for you to look for providers and determine how close or far you are from them.

Change details

Update your details, including family and PCP when there have been changes in your preference or information. After you notify your Human Resources Department, the information will shortly be updated in the QuickCap system.

Keep track of submitted requests

Know the progress of the request you made, from member information adjustment to PCP change. You can view the status of each entry and the notes that the administrator provided for your request.

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